Vegas Luxury Estates

As your Realtor

As your REALTOR, what do I offer you as a prospective client of mine???

We can discuss any aspect of real estate from planning to a transaction. Just call me and let’s talk real estate. My personal cell is 702-580-6101 and working in real estate is my life’s work so I welcome you call.

You can do your own home searches using the actual REALTOR MLS anytime 24/7 on my website simply by subscribing. SIGN UP TODAY!

Simply call me or e-mail your property address and I will conduct a CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) and give you a professional and accurate property or house evaluation.

I can connect you with a top Mortgage Banker/Broker right here in Las Vegas to get you Pre-Approved or help you with credit repair to get you in line for a mortgage. I can also offer you tips on first time home buyer’s info or no down payment loans as well.

You can call me or e-mail me and I can put you on my list to receive up to 12 to 18 articles per month for FREE to help you with everything in real estate from buying to selling, financing, or remodeling or maintaining your home and property including neighborhood information and a calendar of events coming up near you.

Anytime you want to read more about all aspects of real estate you can go to my website and read my blogs that will give you constant, up-to-date information that you will inevitably use.

Whether commercial real estate, investment real estate, or buying or selling a home, you will need help with planning of all types from contractor remodeling to repairs or clean-up and perhaps relocation. If you are moving from out of town to live here in Las Vegas or use a vacation home here then I can help you with most steps along the way and give you plenty of referrals too.

Once you have decided to buy or sell real estate, commercial or residential, an investment property or a vacation home, or your permanent residence you will have my services in your transaction. When you are the buyer you actually pay me nothing as my commission comes from the seller. When you are the seller I will get you enough from the sale of your property to be able to pay my commission willingly. You get loyalty, experience, and lots of skill with each and every transaction.

For most of us, buying or selling in a real estate transaction is the biggest investment we will ever make. I not only respect this but I truly value the honor to work with you on such an important issue.

Cal me today on my cell at 702-580-6101 and let’s do some good things together asap.

Or send me an e-mail at with a brief description of your situation and I will get back with you right away.

Your new loyal friend and REALTOR.

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